Thursday, November 10, 2011

"Mars crew" played Counter-Strike to cool tempers

"Mars crew" played Counter-Strike to cool tempers

By Alissa de CarbonnelPosted 2011/11/08 at 11:45 am EST
MOSCOW, Nov. 8, 2011 (Reuters) — The all-male crew of a mock spaceship played a video action game to cool down when tensions rose during a 17-month isolation study simulating a voyage to Mars.

Mars500 experiment crew members react after leaving the mock spaceship in Moscow November 4, 2011. REUTERS/IBMP/Oleg Voloshin/Handout
Ultra Light Space Flight their cramped, windowless module at a Moscow research facility, the earthbound pioneers split into teams -- three Russians against two Europeans and one Chinese -- and put their trust in Counter-Strike, said Russian Alexander Smoleyevsky, 32.

"We know that flies can turn into elephants in space so whatever conflict arose, we tried to nip it in the bud," said Rustamovich Sukhrob, 37, his blue jumpsuit hanging loosely on his frame after months of food rations.

The six crew members, all of whom lost weight, looked weary but relieved on Tuesday when speaking to reporters for the first time. They had spent three days in quarantine since the end of their mission on November 4.

The $15 million Mars500 experiment aimed to answer one of the big unknowns of deep-space travel: can people stay healthy and sane while spending 520 days rocketing to the Red Planet and back in a small spaceship?

The study volunteers were never weightless, but scientists tried to make their isolation mimic the mental and physical strain of a real flight to Mars as closely as possible.

They ate astronauts' rations, rarely showered, took blood and urine samples and slept plastered with electrodes, all the while being under constant video surveillance -- a touch that earned the study comparisons to a reality TV show.


Each man was paid 3 million roubles ($98,300), Mars500 project director Boris Morukov told Reuters.

"I was shaky when I came out, I hadn't seen anybody else other than my five friends for so long my heart was beating like crazy, my legs were trembling... I was so excited," Italian-Colombian participant Diego Urbina told Reuters.

"It was very hard, I am not going to lie," he said. At his lowest ebb he dreamt of daily life "on Earth" only to "suddenly wake up in this dark chamber knowing you have so long to go."

French crewmate Romain Charles said he missed a "good croissant" in the mornings. To break the monotony, he taught his crewmates to play "Home Sweet Home" and "Rocket Man" on the guitar.

A previous 420-day experiment in 2000 ended in drunken disaster when two participants got into a fistfight and a third tried to forcibly kiss a female crew member.

But Mars500, the first fully-fledged simulation, is being hailed as a success and brough a welcome flood of publicity for the European Space Agency, struggling against waning interest in space exploration among crisis-hit tax payers.

"We rarely finish these long-term experiments and we did it as a team," said China's Yue Wang, the youngest crew member at 27, flashing a wide grin.

"We are family members, we built a very close, solid relationship, We trust each other."

Morukov and others warned the crew may struggle to adapt to normal life outside their 550-cubic-meter module.

"The hardest, riskiest part is over but the experiment is not. We will continue to study the crew ... we are responsible for the long-term consequences," said Anatoly Grigoryev, of the Institute of Biomedical Problems, which ran the study.

Russian space officials have floated a plan to run a similar study on the International Space Station, even though technology is decades away from being able to power humans to Mars and land them unharmed by radiation.

The Green Look for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

The Green Look for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
ScienceDaily (Oct. 28, 2011) — The network of electric-vehicle (EV) charging stations in Germany is still relatively sparse, but their number is growing rapidly. The majority of roadside charging points take the form of steel-clad pillars. A group of researchers has set out to develop an alternative design based on environmentally compatible materials.

Our cityscapes will soon be dominated by a new feature: EV charging points. At present they usually feature a steel- or aluminum-clad housing. Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials IWM in Halle want to improve their green credentials. In collaboration with industrial partner Bosecker Verteilerbau Sachsen GmbH, they are developing an alternative solution based on eco-friendly materials. Their idea is to replace the steel cladding that protects cables, power outlets and electronic switchgear with honeycomb panels made of a wood-plastic composite (WPC). At present, the main application for this type of reconstituted wood product is weather-resistant decking for patios.

WPC is a natural fiber composite made up of 70 parts of cellulosic wood fiber derived from sustainable resources to 30 parts of thermoplastic polypropylene. Its advantages, apart from the high proportion of sustainable raw materials, are that it is 100% recyclable and contains no tropical timber. Wood-plastic composites can be repeatedly recycled into new products and have a neutral carbon footprint. As Sven Wüstenhagen, one of the IWM researchers in Halle, explains: "Trees extract huge quantities of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as they grow, and sequester carbon in their ligneous fibers. It is therefore probable that the use of WPC in this new application will result in lower CO2 emissions compared with the use of steel."

Another advantage of the composite material, according to Wüstenhagen, is that its production is more energy-efficient than that of steel or other metal cladding materials. WPC is produced using an extrusion process that involves melting a mixture of wood fibers and thermoplastic resin under high pressure and at high temperature and feeding the resulting viscous product into a continuous mold. With modern processing technologies, the fibers can be added to the mixture in their natural state, without first being transformed into granulate, thus eliminating an energy-intensive intermediate stage and preserving the quality of the fibers. Because wood has a high thermal sensitivity, it has to be processed at temperatures below 200 degrees Celsius.

The housings are manufactured in the form of modular components that can be clipped together as required to create a wide variety of different designs, thus allowing them to blend in with the surrounding architecture. Their modular structure also enables the composite panels to be removed easily during repairs. Industrial design expert Wüstenhagen is already thinking about other possible new applications for the WPC components: "They could be used, for instance, to construct street furniture such as park benches or bus shelters. That's one of our next objectives. Another of our ideas is to integrate functional elements such as cable holders and cable management systems in the components for EV charging stations. This is a viable proposition because WPC can be formed into almost any shape, unlike the metal sheeting used in currently available housings."

Nonetheless, the WPC cladding has to live up to some very demanding requirements. It must be shatterproof and sufficiently elastic to withstand impact without damage, and it must be capable of resisting wide variations in temperature, high levels of humidity and prolonged UV exposure. The researchers are therefore testing samples of the material in a climate chamber to assess its resistance to extreme temperature conditions and determine which additives or types of coating provide the best weather protection. The IWM experts have almost completed their first prototype of the new WPC housing and are about to start outdoor testing. Sven Wüstenhagen and his team are confident that it won't be long before the first "all-green" EV charging stations appear on our streets.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Aryan Invasion Theory, Vedas and Dravidians


Aryan Invasion Theory, Vedas and Dravidians


Aryan Invasion Theory (AIT), which today having been rechristened as Indo – Aryan Migration (IAM) theory (given that the original position is no longer tenable) is the largest myth that was ever propagated by historians with vested interests that still retain vestiges to their Western paymasters. In this post the scope is restricted to visiting Veda samhitas and Tamil literary works from the Sangam period that render the AIT / IAM theories redundant. This post will also show the integrated, continuous nature of the deities that were worshipped from the now parched Saraswati river basin and the Vaigai river basin in Madura, Tamilnadu. We are taking Tamil as representative of Dravidian languages because, unlike the other 3 Southern states, it is in Tamil Nadu that the political and societal idea of Aryan / Dravidian divide is more vocally and visibly pronounced.
Note: We are merely exploring historical and literary traditions here and do not attempt to analyze any method of worship.

The hoax of Aryan-Dravidian divide
Rig Veda does not give even a shred of evidence of any invasion or migration to have taken place from outside or the Rishis of Vedas having been part of expeditions into India from somewhere else. But Indologists and apologists of AIT / IAM use Rig Veda to try to establish their standpoint.
They use the invocation of Indra by Angiras family of Rishis to slay the likes of Dasyus and Panis as evidences that an invading Aryan army slaughtered the aborigines of India that were Dravidians.
Before we move ahead let us establish what Dravida means.
In Sanskrit, it loosely means liquid like or watery. The root word for this is Drava in Sanskrit.
And importantly, in Tamil, the word Dravidian or Dravida hardly gets mentioned in the Sangam literature of Tamils.
The corpus of Sangam literature is the most authentic chronicling of the life, times, theology, events, wars, business, natural calamities, Tamil grammar etc of the Tamils starting from 600 BC to 200 AD. To put it in another way, if hypothetically the invading Aryans pushed the Dravidians South of Vindyas and killed many Dravidians (based on Rig Veda), the earliest Tamil literary works obviously ought to have mentioned the mayhem in the so called Dravidian literary works of the Sangam age.
The Tamil literary works started using the word “Dravida” only in the 9th century AD but that too only in the context of linguistics. And a Tamil lexicon of the 9th century AD called “Senthan Divakaram” uses Dravidam to denote Tamil.
This itself is sufficient to realize that the whole Dravida story is a modern hoax without any historical basis. In fact it was only in late 19th century that Robert Caldwell, a proclaimed evangelist who came to India for sole purpose of proselytization and spreading Christianity, first used the word ‘Dravidian’ to further his agenda. And then the term took political colors. And once politicized, it is always in benefit of all political forces to keep the myth alive so that they can cook their rotis.
The hoax of evidence from Rig Veda
Now, let us move to understanding how the AIT / IAM apologists use Dasyus to claim that invading Aryans slaughtered the so called native Dasyus and let us also explore a few questions. The apologists point to Rig Veda 10/48, where, Indra is seen to have destroyed Dasyus, Vrtras and Panis with his might, captured wealth and also mentions that those in his company will not be felled.
But what the apologists do not delve into is to understand the characterization of the likes of Dasyus , Vrtras and Panis (the last 2 being a kind of Dasyu) in Rig Veda. Who are the Dasyus?
When we look up Rig Veda 1/33/1 – 10, it becomes obvious that the wealth that Indra captures is actually knowledge.
RV/1/33/1 ends with “gavam ketam param avarjate nah”. It means supreme knowledge of the luminous cows. And the whole verse means – come let us go seeking the cows to Indra, it is he that increases the thought in us, for us, he releases supreme knowledge of the luminous cows.
Let us first understand, in Vedas, those that do the Soma pressing or other Vedic sacrifices for divinities are called yajyu. The divinities to whom these sacrifices are offered are called yajata. The yaju by virtue of his goodwill is sukratu. Sukratus by virtue of their works find the “divine word” and having found the divine word, a sukratu becomes the singer of the word.
But Dasyu is the opposite principle of both Sukratu and Yajyu. Dasyu is also called “A”yajyu (opposite of Yajyu).And interestingly an Ayajyu is a hater of the singer of the divine word (this quality is Ayajyu called brahmadvisa) and IMPORTANTLY an Ayajyu is ANASA (has no mouth to speak) and has no mental faculties (Amanyamana). And across the Vedas the Dasyus like Panis and Vritras withhold the kine (the kine are not physical cows and sheep but they point to knowledge) and this kine has to be forcefully extracted with Indra’s help by man. And in another place in RV, it is stated that Panis (a type of Dasyu), plunders and steals the cows and hides them in his cave. With the help of Indra the knowledge, the luminous cows are secured by man. RV/6/51/14 calls Indra to destroy the Panis and equates Panis to wolf.
And let us also look at a few more items that Indra won by destroying Dasyus, as per western indologists.
7 Lord of the brave, Indra who rules the people gave freedom to the Gods by might and battle. Wise singers glorify with chanted praises these his achievements in Vivasvan’s dwelling.
8 Excellent, Conqueror, the victory-giver, the winner of the light and Godlike Waters,He who hath won this broad earth and this heaven, -in Indra they rejoice who love devotions.
9 He gained possession of the Sun and Horses, Indra obtained the Cow who feedeth many.Treasure of gold he won; he smote the Dasyus, and gave protection to the Aryan colour.
10 He took the plants and days for his possession; he gained the forest trees and air’s mid-region.Vala he cleft, and chased away opponents: thus was he tamer of the overweening.
Indra secures forest trees, mid air, plants and days.
Now, if Dasyus were HUMAN non-Aryan tribes, how come Indra secures the DAYS and MID-AIR from mortals?
The allegory of Dasyus continues in the Rig Veda, where, Indra then actually chases Dasyus out of heaven and earth by the power of his thunderbolt. Indra’s greatness keeps increasing and the luminosity of Indra leaves Dayus with nowhere to hide. Indra recovers the lost Sun and as this Sun rises, it illuminates the caves where Vala (a type of Dasyus) has hidden the luminous cows.
So we clearly have a scenario that completely contradicts the possibility of Dasyus ever being Dravidian tribes that Indra destroyed.
The Rig Veda based attempts to prop up the non-existent AIT/IAM falls flat. Rest assured Dravidians (of AIT/IAM) do have noses and are able to speak and are intelligent people unlike the Dasyus of Rig Veda.
For more on Vedas and Dasyu, please refer
Evidence from Sangam Literature
Now let us travel to Tamil / Dravidian land to see if Tamils were really people that were completely different from the so called Aryans and if they showed signs of being brutalized by invading Aryans.
While there are extensive works that fall under the Sangam literature, let us pick some of the most important works to see what the Dravidians worshipped as their deities.
It is important to note that Sangam literature categorizes land into Mullai (forests), Kurinchi (hills), Marudam (Farm lands), Neidal (Sea Coast) and Palai (Barren).
Tolkappaiyam mentions the following as the presiding deities of these lands – Mullai: Tirumal (Vishnu), Kurinchi: Seyon (or Kumara / Murugua/Kartikeya), Marudam: Vendan (Indra), Neidal: Varunan (Varuna) and Palai: Korravai (Shakti).
Another key Sangam literary work called Purananuru talks about the legend of Lord Shiva destroying the three cities (Tripura Samhara). Shiva is said to have taken the lofty Meru mountain in his hand as bow and with the terrific serpent as bow string and a single arrow destroyed the cities sending them into into flames. And the deity of Seyon (Kumara / Kartikeya), is repeatedly seen across Purananuru and Ahananuru as being the progeny of Shiva.
This ties us back to Agni,the Kumara, template of the Puranic Kartikeya, being an aspect of Rudra.
Some AIT / IAM apologists try to make Shiva to be an exclusive Dravidian deity to keep the theory running.
Shiva of Puranas is derived from aspects of Rudra of Vedas.
In Vedas, if you delve deeper into attributes of Rudra, across Rig Veda or the Rudram / Chamakam sections of Yajur Veda, a common set of attributes is easy to be seen.
And Shiva is all but one aspect of Rudra that is mentioned in Rudram / Chamakam. While the usage of Rudra has been replaced at large by Shiva, the attributes of Vedic Shiva / Rudra and those described in works like Periya Puranam of Tamil literature are the same.
In places like Tiruvannamalai or Chaidmabaram, in addition to Thevaram, Rudram / Chamakam is also recited, if Shiva of Tamils and Shiva or Puranas / Vedas are different.
If anything, the Taittriya Samhita of Yajur Veda (where Rudram / Chamakam occurs) is a tradition that is living primarily in Tamil Nadu, AP and Karataka, today.
From this small attempt to put things in perspective, it is very easy to understand that the AIT/IAM, based on Rig Veda and the premier Tamil Sangam literary works is a farce. If anything, it is easy to see that this great land has been inhabited by people that belong to the same Vedic family.
Differences based on linguistics, skin color, local culture, cuisines etc are being played up by vested interests today, as it were done 150 years ago.
To repeat it, this land was inhabited by followers of the same Vedic Dharma until the early part of last millennium.
P.S: We have not even touched the theological works of Alwars (Vaishnavites) and Nayanmars (Shaivites) to establish the oneness of the Vedic dharma of this land. If one reviews the entire hoax of AIT and Dravida-Arya divide would fall flat as creative fantasies of a drowsy mind after an extra peg!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

funny softwares


SLIPPERY SYSTEM SCAN 2000 CALC Rotten Eggs On BIll Gates
Haunted PC
Error Message Generator

April Fool

Rude CD Tray

Vote For Bill Clinton Digital Husband
IQ Test
Window's Failure

Chat With Eliza Windows Snow
virus warning

Lawsuit filed against Microsoft for defective XBox 360s

Lawsuit filed against Microsoft for defective XBox 360s

Robert Myers' Class action lawsuit says that XBox 360 overheats due to faulty design.

7 DEC 2005: Microsoft, the world’s largest software maker, is in the dock for an allegedly flawed design in its next generation console, Xbox 360, which hit the stands amid much fanfare recently.

Chicago-based Robert Byres has filed a class action suit against Microsoft charging that the new Xbox 360 has a flawed design. Byres said in his suit that the power supply and processors in the Xbox 360 overheats due to the faulty design, leading it to freeze or crash while operating.

Microsoft declined to comment on the suit, citing its policy not to do so on pending litigation.

The software giant had admitted last month that the gaming console had some issues in a small no of units sold.
Microsoft had moved heaven and earth to launch the next generation console before rivals like Sony and Nitendo could hit the market with their versions. Sony and Nitendo are expected to be in the market early in 2006.

The Xbox 360, which boasts of greater processing and graphical capabilities compared to the exiting gaming machines, sold around 75,000 units in a week after its launch in UK on Decemer 2, 2005. In the United States the machine hit the stands on November 22.

Analysts have compared this to launch sales of 1,80,000 units of Sony’s PlayStation in September and 87,000 unit of Nintendo's DS in March this year.

Meanwhile, undeterred by the law suit, Microsoft is working overtime to produce more and more number of Xbox 360s to satiate the growing army of game fans, media reports said.

Problems were reported shortly after the US launch in Xbox 360, mainly about the machines freezing after a short period of activity, though Microsoft insisted that the issues were reported only in a fraction of the number of Xbox 360s sold.

But the software giant then listed 10 common issues found with the Xbox and ways to fix them on its web site.
The lawsuit has demanded the recall of the console as well as the damages and litigation expenses. Microsoft has offered to repair or replace flawed consoles, in a bid to make its stamp its superiority in the $25 billion games market.

The last big product launch to immediately raise accusations of bad design and threats of lawsuits was Apple's IPod Nano, which several users said has defective or fragile LCD screens.

Indian Government plans a million hydrogen vehicles by 2020, doesn't mention hybrid cars

Indian Government plans a million hydrogen vehicles by 2020, doesn't mention hybrid cars

Excellent idea, from the Steering Group on hydrogen. While India is on its way to that amazing future, will someone take a look a hybrid cars too?

15 February 2006

The Indian government is planning to ensure that at least a million hydrogen-fuelled vehicles hit the roads by 2020 - and this would require generating 1,000 MW from hydrogen. The Steering Group on hydrogen, chaired by Ratan Tata, has estimated an investment Rs.250 billion over 15 years in India to make this achievable. The group has also strongly emphasized the importance of public-private initiatives.

So far, India has not seen any hydrogen-fuelled car at all - and the only hybrid car India has seen to date has been the hybrid SUV Mahindra Scorpio unveiled in January at the Auto Expo 2006 in Delhi. The Scorpio hybrid should hit the streets sometime in 2008. Hybrid cars - using an electric motor in in conjunction with a regular internal combustion engine is considered a good compromise on the way to a hydrogen economy. Hybrid vehicles are massive fuel-savers too - something which can make them a hit in a value-conscious country like India.

However, there is no mention of any hybrid cars at all - and this is surprising. It is almost impossible to make a complete switch from petrol and diesel to hydrogen, and a decade or more of hybrid vehicles which can be produced immediately and will serve to reduce the country's fuel needs is an excellent stopgap arrangement - even for the consumer. Hyundai India has expressed its interest in producing hybrid cars for India - but added that they would require subsidies from the government. Mahindra has promised the Scorpio hybrid to India as soon as possible, at a slightly higher price point than the regular Scorpios.

According to Dr. Arun Jaura, VP of Engineering and R&D, Mahindra and Mahindra, the company that unveiled the unveiled Scorpio Hybrid and a 3-wheeler hydrogen vehicle (HY-Alfa), hybrid cars would lead to a better fuel economy, lesser pollutants, a cleaner environment and national energy security. Muttemwar also added that "The urgency of making the transition to hydrogen energy economy from the present hydrocarbon energy economy has been recognised globally and large-scale efforts are in progress not only in advanced countries but also in developing countries like India, China and Brazil."

The Steering Group, which made its recommendations to the Indian Non-Conventional Energy Sources Minister Vilas Muttemwar, said that at least Rs.240 billion would be required in order to create the infrastructure for hydrogen production, storage, transportation and distribution. Additionally, Rs.10 billion would go into development, research and demonstration of technology. The Hydrogen Steering Group is confident that India can achieve this goal, despite key challenges in terms of cost of production of hydrogen and its safe storage and use in gaseous, liquid, and solid states.

According to Muttemwar, "India is poised to be in the forefront of hydrogen energy technologies because the country is uniquely endowed with a strong science and technology base and advanced industrial infrastructure."

Referring to government plans to put India on the road to hydrogen cars, he said, "The roadmap has proposed two major initiatives - the green initiative for future transport (GIFT) and green initiative for power generation (GIP)."

The GIFT is aiming at the development of a hydrogen-powered engine, as well as fuel cell-based automobiles, including two- and three- wheeled cars and buses. The GIP will work towards the development and demonstration of a hydrogen powered engine and turbine and fuel cell-based decentralised power generating systems to target 1,000MW generation capacity by 2020.

Hydrogen is freely present in the atmosphere - an obviously tempting energy source. Harnessing it is not so easy though, and fuel cells are the most preferred option. There is a global shift towards an economy driven by hydrogen energy from hydrocarbon energy. Currently, hydrogen fuel cell technology is being heavily researched internationally, as well as in India.

However, RK Pachauri, head of The Energy Research Institute (formerly the Tata Energy Research Institute) has rubbished the government roadmap. Speaking to Mumbai daily DNA, he said, "I am amazed how a group of people like this can come up with such a ridiculous road map. This is completely unrealistic, unfeasible. Not a single country anywhere in the world has considered anything like this possible."

As for as, we do not consider the roadmap unrealistic - thinking big and out of the box is a necessity nowadays. However, we have our doubts about a strategy which focuses solely on hydrogen and does not mention hybrids at all. Maybe it is not part of the Hydrogen Steering Group's mission - the question is, then whose mission is it?

Bible Prophecy

10 years before Sept 11th on Sept 11th Bush Senior
called for the New Luciferian World Order.
9+1+1+9+1+1+9+1+1 = 33 in numerology. 33 degrees to the devil's religion freemasonry.
See the proof Below.
Numerology is strictly forbidden by our Jacob religion but is the core part of Esau's Chaldean/Catholic Pagan religious system that spans the globe today. This Twin (Esau and Jacob were twins) but counterfeit religion looks like Christianity but one just has to take a look back at history to see she is fake/Antichrist/Mother of harlots church = Catholic Inquisition and the torture tools video.

God said his fury will rise in his face just before Gog is about to attack Israel . Our Father Jesus Spirit covers all Stars in heaven . We do not Worship the Sun. 2 Massive X class flares just happened Sept 6= Sept 6 Solar 2x "X" Class flare = Watch
Damascus is about to get destroyed Sept 11 is clearly the date.
Israeli general- full-scale Middle East war is 'imminent' - Sept 6 The war is with Media and Persia . Media = Syria is clearly going to be between the He Goat's Eyes when he attacks. Daniel 8
The Global Economic crash has begun to come to pass.
Pestilence and famine could begin at Damascus Nuclear destruction.
We have already seen the rest of Luke's scripture fulfilled in recent years.

Iran Insists NY’s Twin Towers ‘Never Hit by a Plane' - Sept 6
The Towers were never hit by planes as I have been saying = Norad = the North American Defence network never stood down because they never had to stand up the Planes were a Holographic light show called Project Blue Beam. The Global Holographic Light show that will deceive the entire World into believing the Antichrist is God when he fulfills the destruction of Damascus and the coming across the entire world (Daniel 8) on a cloud but it will be fake just as fake as the Planes that hit the Towers . Not only this clear evidence exists but so does the proof the Towers were cleared of people well in advance of the Towers Demolition = It was all a Hollywood Holographic Light Show. The Catholic control Hollywood = the great deceivers children = Esau.

SEPT 11 is clearly the date chosen for this attack but I read the Bible to say in Daniel 8 that the Ram with 2 Horns = Media/Syria and Persia/Iran attack and are seen pushing at Israel from West/South and North When the Western leader = Antichrist attacks them. So this war could start at any time so Prepare yourselves to leave these 3 nations = U.S. , Britain and Israel soon and Russia and China have well prepared, in recent years, to fully destroy them in the event Iran and Syria get attacked.
Just as they did prior to the attack on Libya they are doing pre Syria attacks.
Isaiah 17:1 The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.
Then we see Project Blue Beam which is a false holographic second coming of Jesus that could only be the signs that could almost deceive the very elect like 911.
Isaiah 17 :3 The fortress also shall cease from Ephraim, and the kingdom from Damascus, and the remnant of Syria: they shall be as the glory of the children of Israel, saith the LORD of hosts.
Isaiah 17 :4 And in that day it shall come to pass, that the glory of Jacob shall be made thin, and the fatness of his flesh shall wax lean
Isaiah 17 :7 At that day shall a man look to his Maker, and his eyes shall have respect to the Holy One of Israel.

10 years before Sept 11th on Sept 11th Bush Senior
called for the New Luciferian World Order.
Sept 11 2011 will be the 10th anniversary of the World trade center implosions.
Click to enlarge the picture and read the writing.
1991 Sept 11th watch to the end!‏ - YouTube <-Language Warning at the very beginning. Short Video.

These Luciferian/ devil worshippers use Numerology continuously when they plan wars = 3 9 11's in a row Since Herbert W Bush announce the creation of the new World Order = 9+1+1+9+1+1+9+1+1 = 33 in numerology
or an easy way to calculate these numbers = 9+9+9=27 1+1+1+1+1+1=6 27+6 = 33
There are 33 degrees to the devil's religion called freemasonry.
Sept 11 is clearly the date they are planning to bring the He goat across the entire World to show himself as if he is God when Damascus Syria gets completely destroy by nuclear weapons.

We are clearly looking at the final Sept 11th unfolding that will put Lucifer the devil into power as if he is God through the Global Project Blue Beam Deception. As the by design Global Economic collapse has begun Aug 8. The rich man fades away.
1 Thessalonians 5:4 But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief

Kali yuga

Kali Yuga is a period in the history of mankind when the dark forces of nature start playing an aggressive role. An almost complete breakdown of the values in the society is a sign of the rampant lawlessness spread all over. Everyone is to fend for himself as even our own betray the trust.

The story we had read in our childhood about a wolf wanting to devour a lamb had many precarious reasons for no excuse on the part of the lamb was relevant. The wolf went on to the extent of saying that, "if you have not sullied the water, your mother might have and even if she did not her mother might have". He just wanted to devour the lamb no matter what.

Kali Yuga aka the metal age is the weakest point in the history of mankind. This is the period when Adharma becomes more dominant. Kali Yuga is the period for the descent of an avatar of the era. During the times of Lord Krishna in Dwaper Yuga the situation was almost similar. Then Lord Krishna had come to uplift Dharma and now people await with abated breath the coming of Bhagwan Kalki.

The end of the Kali Yuga results in absolute chaos world-wide. In present times it shall be a fight to the finish between Christianity and Islam. Both the sacred Scriptures the Bible and the Quran confirm it. Kali Yuga is aka the metal age because end of the Kali Yuga results with a clash of the metal. The fight between the two parties would see the use of the metal to its extreme.

As every black cloud has a silver lining... the end of the Kali Yuga is also beset with the start of a new dawn altogether. Kali Yuga is like four o'clock in the early hours of the day when it is pitch dark. As the clock rings five in the morning it is the darkest hour of the night. This is the period known as Chatham chatta in Jainism. Chatham chatta stands for a fight to the finish!

And as the clock rings six o'clock in the morning... it is the start of a new era. The world war has ended. Calm prevails all over for none world-wide has won. It is a loss for each and every individual existing on Mother Earth. Whatever development had occurred in the last thousands of years almost vanishes.

The scientific community has to rewrite everything from the scratches. Albert Einstein defined Kali Yuga as the period after which the fourth war would be fought with sticks and stones. He could rightly guess in advance that all progress science has achieved in the last few hundred years would be completely go down the drain for ever. It really would be heart breaking No matter what... after the end of the Kali Yuga, the mankind would breathe a sigh of relief! All would feel happy for the worst is over for the near future.
The mankind would realize its folly... money was always a means to the end and never an end in itself. The glitter of the gold now vanishes forever. The relationships would have developed a new meaning. We start to feel that all are children of God and everyone has a right to live.

Dictatorial attitudes are a passé and nowhere in sight. It is a feeling of friendliness all around. The passing phase of Kali Yuga has given a new meaning to mankind. Human being after all realizes that the body is ephemeral in nature. The essence of us present in form of an atman the soul within becomes the real crux of life. This is the biggest lesson learnt by mankind after Kali Yuga. In the present Kali Yuga it is not only the distrust between individuals which is disturbing but the breakdown of relationships amongst communities has become the order of the day. The worsening relationships between various countries with no solution in sight lead to a final breakdown of values in the society.

A thorough cleansing is required... not only of the physical self but mentally also. After all the majority of the mankind had indulged in wanton desires and affairs to no end... and the price has got to be paid by one and all.

In the end part of the Kali Yuga it is possible that some nations may not be involved directly in the world war but the devastation all over the face of Mother Earth would be so enormous that each and sundry would get affected. Bombs may rain in the Middle East and the USA but the effects would be felt as far as Australia. Kali Yuga is the face in the history of mankind which would be remembered for long. The end of the Kali Yuga would always be remembered for it announces the beginning of a new chapter in the history of mankind.

Kali in Kali Yuga represents Mother Kali which is symbolic of the dark forces of nature. To maintain the order... the advent of Bhagwan Kalki... the destroyer of Kali Yuga is a must! The mankind just cannot survive without it.

Bhagwan Kalki... one with almost similar powers as Lord Krishna would be able to precipitate a war between adharma and Dharma. In the system of God... the end always belongs to Dharma! The forces of adharma cannot sustain for long. During the times of Kali Yuga... 90% people world-wide indulge in unethical practices. On the contrary in a Satyuga a maximum of 10% people indulge in nefarious activities. Kali Yuga is the opposite of Satyuga. The torment society has to bear during the Kali Yuga reaches such an extent that even the common man revolts.

Now it is almost 90% people against 6% of the dubious kind who have taken the entire system for a ride and that too for a considerably longtime. The revolt turns into a bloody revolution and culminates in a full-fledged world war. It becomes a fight to the finish between the forces of Dharma and adharma.

The present period of Kali Yuga is the passing phase when the clock rings 5:30 am in the morning. The cause for the World War Three has already been sowed. The WTC episode was a mere fore warning. The Wise have learnt their lessons but the adharmic forces not prone to reasoning are unwilling to buckle. They have to be punished at all costs! The end phase of the Kali Yuga is of great happiness on the whole. For many centuries ahead it would be a period of reconciliation and reckoning. The humanity would have learnt a bitter lesson in the passing phase of Kali Yuga.

Let us all wish that God Almighty precipitate the Kali Yuga at the earliest!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Are There Aliens Already on Earth?

Summary: Are there aliens living on Earth? Not the humanoid kind, with big eyes or glowing fingertips. But unfamiliar types of microscopic life, that doesn't use DNA. Geology professor Peter Ward thinks its possible. His new book, Life as We Do Not Know It, explains why.

All life on Earth has a similar DNA-based chemistry
Credit: NASA
Conspiracy theorists will readily tell you that the U.S. military is hiding alien corpses in a secret facility in the Nevada desert. But paleontologist and University of Washington geology professor Peter Ward thinks that scientists should be looking for a different type of alien life on earth: alien microbes. Ward is the author of several popular books about astrobiology, including the controversial Rare Earth, co-authored with Donald Brownlee. In his latest book, Life as We Do Not Know It, Ward addresses an issue often avoided by astrobiologists. Although all known life on Earth has a similar DNA-based chemistry, life found on other worlds may not. In chapter 6 of Life as We Do Not Know It, reprinted below, Ward takes this argument one step further. There may, he says, be unfamiliar life forms on Earth, as well. And scientists would be wise to search for them.

Are There Aliens Already on Earth?
Excerpt from Life as We Do Not Know It, by Peter Ward

Back before the first dinosaurs, before the first fishes, before the first worms, before the first plants, before the first fungi, before the first bacteria, there was an RNA world - probably somewhere around four billion years ago, soon after the beginning of planet Earth's existence….
--Matt Ridley, Genome

The concept of extinction did not exist until the nineteenth century. Until then there was no sense that species evolved, lived for a time, and then went extinct. Because religion still held sway over so much of the world, there was a sense that everything God had ever created would still be found - somewhere. Even when large bones and shells of creatures clearly unlike those familiar to the noted naturalists of the day were uncovered from sedimentary strata, the belief was that the creatures in question were still alive somewhere in the vast, little-explored world. But by the early 1800s there was little of the world still unexplored, and it fell to Baron Georges Cuvier (struggling to keep his head on his shoulders through the French Revolution and its aftermath) to demonstrate the reality of extinction. Cuvier, the so-called father of comparative anatomy, obtained the skull and teeth of a proboscidean that was distinctly different from either the African or the Indian elephant. He announced that the fossil elephant parts came from a species now extinct.

In a eukaryote, the DNA is located in the nucleus of the cell. A DNA molecule is composed of two helically spiral strands, each composed of a linear chain of sugar and phosephate molecules. Credit: MIT

Today, in a world where the extinction rate among endangered species is occurring at an unknown but surely significant rate, it is pleasant to think of a world without extinction and one so little explored that even in the early 1900s Sir Arthur Conan Doyle could put his Lost World with its diverse saurian legions atop a large plateau in the Amazon region and readers could retain a sense of why not? Today we live in a world that is the opposite. There is a sense that it holds no more secrets, that the vast majority of its biota has been discovered and cataloged, that even the immense oceans, now steadily giving up their most famous wrecks to the Bob Ballards of the world, hold little mystery. But this smugness that nature and its secrets are now conquered might be a bit premature. Two recent events have made this abundantly clear. First, in 2002, oceanographer Debbie Kelly of the University of Washington (and another member of our astrobiology faculty) made a startling discovery deep beneath the Atlantic Ocean. Amid the mid-Atlantic Ridge, using submersibles and remote cameras, Kelly and her crew found their own Lost World and named it the Lost City. They found the equivalent of the black smokers [seen at Pacific Ocean hydrothermal vent sites], but this time the substrate was white limestone rather than the darker peridotite rock of the Pacific Ocean smoker systems.

The structures discovered are spectacular. Some are nearly two hundred feet tall, growing like monstrous white stalactites up from the bottom of the sea. These chimneys vent a diverse chemistry of fluids with temperatures ranging from less than 40°C (104°F) to over 90°C (194°F). The fluids coming out of the white chimneys are enriched in methane, hydrogen, and hydrocarbons other than methane and are thus rich sources of energy in form that can be utilized by life. And unlike the black smokers of the Pacific, the microbes living among and in these white chimneys are fueled by the chemistry of rock-altering reactions, not simply the heat coming from deep earth. The Lost City hydrothermal field is thus unlike any known submarine vent system and, according to its discoverers, may be our closest analog to early Earth and early Mars, on the basis of our understanding of the chemistry on those planets at the beginning of their history. The temperatures are moderate, the fluids have a high pH, and there are low metal concentrations and high concentrations of energy sources. The Lost City, which may be our best hope for finding a Lost World of early life on earth, was unknown until 2002 and has been visited only once. There is certainly an abundance of new microbes - and perhaps environments as well - yet to be discovered there.

Hydrothermal vents provide fuel for life on the seafloor. Credit:

It is not just the deep sea that is yielding new microbial discoveries. Soon after the discovery of the Lost City field, Craig Venter turned his gaze toward the sea. Venter sampled seawater from the Sargasso Sea of the Atlantic Ocean and, using the same powerful gene mapping techniques that were perfected in the Human Genome Project, surprised the biological community in identifying, from relatively small samples of seawater, 148 previously unknown types of bacteria. This was a shock to the complacent microbiologists who had thought that we pretty much had a handle on what was out there in the ocean. Furthermore, Venter identified 1.2 million new genes from these samples. These add to an already heady number of known Terroan species. [Note: Ward coined the term Terroan life to refer to DNA-based life on Earth.] Of the earth's currently defined creatures, about 750,000 are insects, 250,000 are plants, 123,000 are arthropods exclusive of insects, 50,000 are mollusks, and 41,000 are vertebrates, with the remainder composed of various invertebrate animals, bacteria, protists, fungi, and viruses, leading to a total of about 1.6 million named and identified species on the earth. The majority of these leave no fossil record. The precise figure is not known, since there is no central register for the names of organisms, and because of this, many species have been named several times. Taxonomist Nigel Stork points out that this level of synonymy may approach 20 percent. For example, the common "ten spotted ladybird" found in Europe has forty scientific names, even though it represents but a single species. Such mistakes are made because many species exhibit a wide range of variability. Often the more extreme examples of a given species are mistakenly described as new or separate species.

The carbonate structures at the Lost City Field include this chimney more than 30 feet in height. The white, sinuous spine is freshly deposited carbonate material. The top shows evidence of collapse and re-growth, as indicated by the small newly developed cone on its top.
Credit: University of Washington/Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Does this mean that the number of species on Earth today is less than the currently defined 1.6 million? Probably not. Most biologists studying biodiversity suspect that the number is far more than this, but an intense debate ranges about exactly how many more. The most extreme estimates are in the range of 30 to 50 million species, meaning that taxonomists have named a bit over 3 percent of species on Earth and thus, in the 250 years or so since Linnaeus set out the task of describing every species on Earth, have barely begun their work. Other, more cautious souls posit a much lower number of between 5 and perhaps 15 million species. Yet even with this lower number it is clear that the work of describing the earth's fauna has a long way to go. There may be millions of new bacteria to discover and identify alone. We thus see that we may have recognized only a fraction of the total of earth organisms. Is the same true about the diversity of life chemistry on Earth as well as the diversity of species?

These discoveries demonstrate that indeed there is much yet to be learned about the diversity of life on Earth and more about its habitats and biochemistry. This is especially true for the Archaean domain. These microbes show a huge diversity of metabolic pathways just now being discovered. Just as there are many new microbes being discovered, so too was it a surprise how incomplete our knowledge is of something as basic as the fixation pathways of carbon dioxide by microbes on Earth. Where we thought that there were only a few ways that microbes could create food from the carbon in CO2, it has become clear that we are only scratching the surface of what microbes can do. This gap in our understanding is obviously a huge hurdle for those pondering what might be encountered on the many diverse habitats that could be present in the solar system.

Here is a sense of how fast the discoveries are mounting and an indication of how much is yet to be discovered and how much might still be hidden. By 1987 microbiologists had identified twelve major phyla within the domain Bacteria, based on ribosomal RNA analyses. By November 2003 there were 52 phyla identified, and by 2004 the number had risen to more than 80. That is why, when Venter found 148 new types of bacteria, from surface seawater at that, it was a major surprise.

If there are so many new microbes as well as vast new features of the planet being discovered, what else is hidden from us? Might there be something even more spectacular out there waiting to be found, such as non- Terroan life? The proposition no longer seems so ridiculous. In fact, we might ask if a whole alternate biosphere exists on earth in tandem with our familiar DNA biosphere. This is really a dirty little secret. While we continue to affirm that there is but one form of life chemistry of Earth, in reality we do not know. Moreover, if there were a second dominion of life on Earth, what would it be? The most probable of such life as we do not know it would be RNA organisms, the group that I have defined as the cellular forms. As we have seen, many believe that cellular RNA life was the stepping-stone to modern-day DNA life but then went extinct. I certainly do. Yet strange living fossils, such as the coelacanth fish and the monoplacophoran Neopilina (a very early mollusk that was at the base of the tree of molluscan phylogeny), show that once in a while a living fossil comes out of the woodwork. Might the same be true of RNA cellular life? We still have RNA viral life. Why not the larger kind?

University of Washington oceanographer Deborah Kelley contrasts the white porous (almost wasp-nest-like) texture of a sample from the Lost City's carbonate chimneys with a sample from the sulfide chimneys studied since the 1970s.
Credit: University of Washington

Both coelacanths and monoplacophorans were found by accident. These living fossils were fished out of the deep sea. But both are relatively large. The coelacanth, a bright blue fish with lobed fins, the supposed ancestor of us land-living vertebrates, is up to six feet long; the monoplacophoran is considerably smaller, only about a half inch in shell length but nevertheless something that can be seen without a microscope. For microbes, identifying something really new is a much more difficult proposition. A very large microscope is necessary to see even one, and unlike the fish and the mollusk, which can be easily recognized as radically different from the many other members of these tribes, almost all microbes look alike. It takes an inspection of their genes to recognize their degree of difference from other microbes. Herein lies a huge rub: It is not clear that we would recognize an RNA organism if we found one. We may have already found millions of them that remain unknown and unidentified, not recognized as non-DNA life. Why? Because the method we use to differentiate DNA life is by comparing DNA, or ribosomal RNA. We target the ribosome for study. But RNA life would not have ribosomes! Our RNA life would have a different kind of RNA, presumably, and thus would be invisible to our tests!

The potential presence of still-living RNA life on earth has intrigued biologists for some time. Microbiologist (and Nobel laureate) Joshua Lederberg has advanced ways that we could search for another possible non-DNA life on earth, protein life. His solution is to culture samples of microbes with radioactive phosphate. Terroans would incorporate this poisonous material into their nucleic acids and perish, whereas any possible protein life would survive. Another method would be to try to grow microorganisms in a medium without phosphate. Again, anything that grew would not be our familiar earth life. Lederberg has called on his colleagues to start a search for non-DNA life using substantial research funds, for the search would be neither trivial nor easily accomplished.

Unfortunately the search Lederberg suggests has never been attempted. That's a shame, for on much less evidence and chance of success, the SETI organization continues to look for intelligence among the stars when there is still so much mystery on the ground beneath our feet.

Moon Facts

Q: When does the First Quarter Moon Rise?

A: The First Quarter Moon is at a right angle to the line formed by the Sun and Earth. The First Quarter Moon will rise halfway between Sunrise and Sunset, basically at Noon.

Q: When does the Full Moon Rise?

A: The Sun, Earth and Moon form a strait line. The full face of the Moon is illuminated. The Full Moon rises as the Sun sets.

Q: How long is a day on the moon?

A: The Moon is tide locked, that means it does not rotate like the Earth. The same part of the Moon is always facing Earth. As the Moon orbits, or circles, the Earth the side facing the sun changes a little bit each day. From New Moon to New Moon, or one lunar cycle is the length of a day on the Moon, about 28 ¼ days.

Q: What are the phases of the Moon?

A: Most people know the moon's major phases, New, 1st Quarter, Full and Last Quarter but scientifically there are actually eight:

New Moon - Waxing Crescent - First Quarter - Waxing Gibbous - Full Moon - Waning Gibbous - Last Quarter - Waning Crescent.

Q: Waxing or waning, which is which?

A: Between the New Moon and the Full Moon the illuminated face of the Moon is growing larger, or waxing. After the Full Moon until the New Moon the illuminated face of the Moon is getting smaller so it is waning.

Q: Crescent Moon or Gibbous Moon, what do they mean?

A: The Crescent Moon, before the First Quarter or after the Last Quarter is when the face of the Moon is less than half illuminated. The Gibbous Moon is after the First Quarter to the Last Quarter (Except the day of the Full Moon) when more than half of the Moon's face is lighted by the Sun.

Sun Facts!!!

Fun Facts About Computers (Stolen from other website!!!)

The only capability a computer has is the circuitry to detect the difference between two voltages. A digital signal is either 'high' or low, 'true' or 'false'. Computer Engineers use this capability as the building block to create all the amazing features of modern computers.
  • Thomas Watson, founder of IBM, is sometimes quoted as asserting that the world would probably never need more than 5 computers. He was referring, of course, to main frame computers, which his company built.
  • Bill Gates dropped out of college (Harvard) before founding Microsoft.
  • Early hard drives in Personal Computers held 20 MB, or 20 Megabytes, and cost about $800. By comparison, an $8 flash drive holds 2 GB, or 2 Gigabytes. That's a 100-fold decrease in price and a 100-fold increase in capacity.
  • Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak built the first Apple computers from parts they got for free from their employers. They originally approached their employers with their idea for a 'personal computer', but they were rebuffed. They were actually encouraged to scrounge spare parts from work and complete their project in their spare time.
  • The computer mouse, the windowing GUI, laser printing, and the network card were all developed at one company; Xerox in Palo Alto, California.
  • The computer in your cell phone has more processing power than all the computers in the Apollo 11 Lunar Lander that put 2 men on the moon.
  • Static electricity so mild that humans don't even feel it can destroy computer circuitry.
  • The popular programming language COBOL was invented by Admiral Grace Hopper, the first female admiral in the US Navy.
  • Edsger Dijkstra is credited with the quote "Computer science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes."

Bycycle facts (No No) Bicycle Fun Facts


1. The first human powered land vehicle was constructed by Giovanni Fontana in 1418.
2. The term "bicycle" first entered into popular usage in France in the 1860s.
3. The prototype of the mountain bike was not developed until 1977.


4. The longest "tandem" bike ever built was almost 67 feet long and could seat 35.
5. The smallest adult bicycle ever created had wheels made from silver dollars.
6. Unicycling is a mandatory subject at St. Helen's School in Newbury, Ohio.
7. Half of all the parts of a typical bicycle are in the chain.


8. The slow cycling record was set by Tsugunobu Mitsuishi of Japan in 1965 when he stayed stationary for 5 hours, 25 minutes.
9. The fastest speed ever recorded on a bicycle was attained by American Olympic Cyclist and Ironman triathlon competitor John Howard, when he reached 152.2 mph in 1985.
10. Lance Armstrong's heart is one-third larger than "normal." (Lance is also the seventh cousin of Katie Couric and sixth cousin of Hilary Duff.)


11. There are roughly one billion bicycles in the world (about twice as many as motor vehicles).
12. An estimated 130 million bicycles were produced worldwide in 2007 (more than twice the 52 million cars produced).
13. There are at least 400 bicycle clubs in America, with membership ranging from 10 to 4,000 members.
14. According to Transportation Alternatives, 10% of New York City's work force--approximately 65,000 humans--commute by bicycle.


15. A study found almost three-quarters of fatal crashes (74%) in NYC involved a head injury and nearly all bicyclists who died (97%) were not wearing a helmet. Helmets have been found to be 85% effective in preventing head injury.

16. From 1990 to 2005, only one fatal crash with a motor vehicle in NYC occurred when a bicyclist was in a marked bike lane.

17. Research has shown that tripling the number of bike riders on the street cuts motorist-bicyclist crashes in half.


18. How many bikes can be parked in a single car parking space in a paved lot? 

Anywhere from 6 to 20.

19. Bicycles currently displace over 238 million gallons of gasoline per year, by replacing car trips with bicycle trips.

20. When Worldwatch Institute compared energy used per passenger-mile (calories), they found that a bicycle needed only 35 calories, whereas a car expended a whopping 1,860. Bus and trains fell about midway between, and walking still took 3 times as many calories as riding a bike the same distance.

21. Bicycles use 2% as much energy as cars per passenger-kilometer, and cost less than 3% as much to purchase.

Actionable Bike Fact:

Myanmar military acts on Indian concerns, but doesn’t deliver

Myanmar’s military action against insurgent camps in Sagaing province last week may have been aimed at sending a message to New Delhi that India’s security concerns were being addressed, rather than wipe out camps of insurgent groups such as the United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA).

Last week, Myanmar sent two heavily-armed army battalions into the dense forests of Sagaing province 800 km north of the capital, Yangon, and attacked two insurgent camps, including the one where Ulfa commander-in-chief Paresh Barua was holed up.
The Ulfa faction led by Paresh Barua and the National Socialist Council of Nagaland (Khaplang) are among the eight insurgent groups that have bases in Myanmar. Barua escaped unhurt, possibly helped by a tip-off about the impending attack, a government official said.
According to communication intercepted by intelligence agencies, Ulfa had about 200 cadres in and around the camp and sent another 200-250 cadres to cross the border into Myanmar.
A security official said the military operation had been on for the last few days but wondered why they were not picking any information about casualties of any side. Or why Myanmar did not inform them about the operation and “request for steps to move Indian forces closer to the border to block gaps,” he asked.
The military action was in response to rising concerns in New Delhi about the ease with which insurgent groups were able to operate out of Myanmar. This has particularly been a sore point with Delhi, particularly since other eastern neighbours – Bhutan in 2003 and later Bangladesh in 2010 – had shut their doors on insurgent outfits.
Most of the insurgent groups had moved into Myanmar, from where some of them not only access arms from China but also are believed to have come in contact with Pakistan’s intelligence agency, ISI.
Myanmar shares 1,643 km land boundary with India’s four northeastern states.
India would like Myanmar to address its security concerns as China partakes in the economic development of that nation in a bigger way.
Officials concede one reason why the army in Myanmar doesn’t go all the way on India’s security concerns was that India has not invested in developing security ties.
New Delhi intends to address this gap by proposing interactions between the army and police forces at different levels during President Thein Sein’s State visit to India in October.

The Human Eye May Act as a Compass

Image Credit: C. Young Photography
The Human EyeIn a way that is similar to how an everyday compass reacts to the earths magnetic field, scientists have discovered that a protein present in human eyes, may in fact behave in a similar fashion.
This magneto-receptive protein called cryptochrome, is present – in one of two forms – in every animal on planet Earth. What Dr.Reppert of the University of Massachusetts Medical School has shown is that if this protein is removed from the eyes of a fly, it loses it’s ability to respond to a magnetic field.
Subsequently, if the human version of this protein is then made available in the flies’ eye, through genetic engineering, this ability returns.
This work seems to imply that humans may in fact have a built in ability to respond to magnetic field lines in some way.
Earlier work done on this was carried out by a Dr Robin Baker of the University of Manchester in the 1980s. Over hundreds of experiments involving thousands of volunteers, he claimed to find subtle evidence that humans could indirectly sense magnetic fields.
Perhaps these scientists are onto something? It would certainly make sense that through our evolution as a species, we once developed an ability to navigate using an in-built compass.


  •  Tigers can see 6 times better at night than humans.
  • 0Fact Info
    08/09: The sound of a tiger's roar can travel a distance of up to 2 miles (~3 km).
  • 1Fact Info
    07/09: A dairy cow can produce more milk when listening to music.
  • 1Fact Info
    07/09: The North Atlantic gets 2.5 centimetres (1in) wider every year.
  • 0Fact Info
    07/09: Oxygen, carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen make up 90% of the human body.
  • 0Fact Info
    02/09: There are more than 150 million sheep in Australia, and only some 20 million people.
  • 0Fact Info
    02/09: Oral sex was illegal in 18 states under old sodomy law until 2003 when they were invalidated.
  • 0Fact Info
    01/09: On average, someone in the US suffers a stroke every 40 seconds; someone dies every 3 minutes from stroke.
  • 0Fact Info
    31/08: People are more likely to tilt their heads to the right when kissing instead of the left (65 percent of people go to the right!)
  • 1Fact Info
    31/08: Brain scans show that people who view photos of a beloved experience an activation of the caudate - the part of the brain involving cravings.